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Options available in the left hand menu

Historia <History>
This option allows you to view transactions carried out and booked on the chosen account in the given time span as well as viewing upcoming operations planned for the future.
  • Operacje wykonane <Transactions carried out>
    This option allows you to view transactions carried out in the chosen time span.
  • Operacje zaplanowane <Transactions planned>
    This option lets you view transactions planned to be carried out in the future. If there are insufficient funds on the account on the transaction date, the transaction will not be carried out. You cannot set up a list of awaiting transactions to be carried out after the given time has passed. Payments resolving from the pay off schedule are carried out first.
    Available options:
    Szczegóły <Details> - clicking on the beneficiary's name allows you to access detailed information on the planned transaction.
    Anuluj <Cancel> - you can cancel an upcoming transaction by clicking on "Anuluj" <Cancel> next to the name. A transactional access number (TAN) is necessary in order to delete an upcoming transaction.
  • Bieżące blokady <Blocked funds>
    This option allows you to look through the operations carried out but not booked. Blocked funds are the difference between your balance and the available funds on your account.

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Przelewy <Transfers>
By clicking on this option you can quickly view the list of defined transfers. Each transfer can be carried out, modified or deleted. The options available are:
  • Przelewy zdefiniowane <Defined transfers>
    Clicking on this option lets you view the defined transfers for the chosen account. The eKONTO, mBIZNES KONTO and izzyKONTO accounts can have up to 50 defined accounts. The eMAX and mBIZNES MAX accounts can only have one defined transfer, which usually is eKONTO or mBIZNES KONTO.
    Wykonaj <Carry out> - in order to carry out a transfer click on this option next to the chosen defined transfer, fill in the appropriate amount and date of transfer. Transfers set with a future date can be called of the day they are to be carried out at latest by using a transactional access number (TAN).
    Modyfikuj <Amend> - click on this option in order to change any details of a transfer. A transactional access number (TAN) is necessary.
    Usuń <Delete> - click on this option in order to remove a transfer from the list of defined transfers. A transactional access number (TAN) is necessary.
  • Nowy przelew zdefiniowany <New defined transfer> - in order to define a new transfer fill in all the necessary details and give the transactional access number (TAN).
  • Przelew dowolny <Onetime transfer> - a transactional access number (TAN) is necessary. This option lets you make onetime transfers to previously undefined accounts from the eKONTO, mBIZNES KONTO and izzyKONTO account. Transfers can also be set for a future date. Any transfer can be called off the day the before at latest. You cannot make transfers to previously undefined accounts from the eMAX account. In order to change the account you wish to transfer funds to choose "Zdefiniowane rachunki" <Defined accounts> and change or define the designated transfer for the eMAX account. A one time transfer will not appear on the defined transfers list.
  • Przelew do ZUS <ZUS transfers / Social Authority transfers> - a transactional access number (TAN) is necessary.
    Clicking on this option allows you to manage your payments to the Polish Social Authority from an eKONTO, mBIZNES KONTO or izzyKONTO account. You cannot make these transfers from an eMAX or mBIZNES MAX account.
  • Przelew do US <US transfers /TAX Office transfers> - a transactional access number (TAN) is necessary.
    Clicking on this option allows you to make a onetime transfer to the Polish Tax Office from an eKONTO, mBIZNES KONTO or izzyKONTO account. You cannot make these transfers from an eMAX or mBIZNES MAX account.
  • Zlecenia stałe <Standing orders> - clicking on this option allows you to view your list of standing orders to the eKONTO, izzyKONTO or mBIZNES KONTO account. The mBank system handles standing orders automatically on the set date. The is no limited amount of standing orders that can be defined to a given account. You cannot set a standing order to the eKONTO account.
    Options available:
    Szczegóły <Details> - clicking on the beneficiary's account allows you to view detailed transfer information (including the beneficiary's details, the amount, the date of the transfer as well as the frequency of the transfer).
    Modyfikuj <Amend> - clicking on "Modyfikuj" <Modify> allows you to alter the transfer amount, the dates of the upcoming transfers as well as their frequency. A transactional access number (TAN) is necessary.
    Usuń <Delete> - clicking on this option allows you to remove a standing order from the list. A transactional access number (TAN) is necessary.
  • Nowe zlecenie stałe <News standing order> - a transactional access number (TAN) is necessary.
    Clicking on this option lets you define a new standing order.

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Polecenia zapłaty <Direct debit>
This option allows you to view transactions according to previously defined direct debits from the eKONTO, mBIZNES KONTO or izzyKONTO accounts to the recipient's account. In order to set up or call off a direct debit you need to fill in the appropriate application forms. This cannot be done via mLinia, nor through the transactional pages.
Options available:
  • Szczegóły <Details> - clicking on the recipient's name lets you view the details of the direct debit.
  • Historia transakcji <Transaction history> - clicking on "Historia" <History> lets you view the direct debit transaction list.
  • Odwołanie transakcji <Transaction call off> - this requires a transactional access number (TAN).
    Clicking on "Odwołaj" <Call off> lets you delete a direct debit transaction. You can call off a payment up to 30 days after it has been carried out (from an mBIZNES account up to 5 working days after it has been carried out). In order to completely call off a direct debit it's required that you send the appropriate application.

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Otwórz lokatę <Set up a term deposit>
This option allows you to open a term deposit to a chosen account. You can open a term deposit by stating the type of term deposit you wish to open and the amount you wish to designate towards the term deposit. A transactional access number (TAN) is not necessary.

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This option lets you manage your payments with mBank's Internet partners. eKONTO, izzyKONTO and mBIZNES KONTO account holders can choose the pay by mTRANSFER option in the mBank partner sites. Clicking on this option will automatically redirect you to the mBank log on page. In order to make a payment you need to define the account from which the payment is to take place and use a transactional access number (TAN). Those who pay by mTRANSFER cannot access other parts of the transactional menu. mTRANSFER is unavailable to eMAX account holders.
The option of registering, amending and deletion is only available to mBIZNES KONTO account holders.
Available options:
  • Lista usług <list of services> - clicking on this option allows you to view the registered mTRANSFER services.
  • Zarejestruj <Register> - Clicking on this option lets you register an mTRANSFER service. In order to activate a service you need to send an appropriately designed link to be placed on the partner's site. Each service has an 8 digit identification number. It's possible to block the ability to edit the variable part of the description, the amount and the transfer date.
    Warning: registering an mTRANSFER service requires paying a fee.
  • Modyfikuj <Modify> - clicking on this option allows you to modify the fixed part of the description as well as the account.
  • Usuń <Delete> - clicking on "Usuń" <Delete> allows you to delete a registered mTRANSFER.

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This option allows you to view the Virtual Visa card details issued to the eKONTO or izzyKONTO account, the available funds on the eKARTA as well as the transactions carried out with these cards.
  • Informacje <Information> - clicking on the card number allows you to access the eKARTA details, including available funds as well as the deadline for the temporary limit increase.
  • Zmiana środków <Change of funds> - this operation requires a transactional access number (TAN).
    Clicking on this option allows you to change the available amount on the eKARTA. Setting an amount exceeding the preset amount causes a system warning to appear. The transactional access number (TAN) used to change the available amount cannot be reused even if used improperly. You can also increase the available amount via mLinia.
  • Rozładowanie (szybkie rozładowanie) <Unloading> - clicking on this option allows you to decrease the available eKARTA funds to null. This operation requires a transactional access number (TAN).
  • Historia <History> - clicking on this option allows you to view the operations carried out with the chosen eKARTA in the given time span. This operation does not allow you to view operations which haven't been booked. These operations are visible as blocked funds on the eKONTO account to which the eKARTA was issued to.

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