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Operations accessible in the left hand menu

Szczegóły karty <Card details>
You can view a given card's details by clicking on the card number.

Szczegóły umowy <Details of agreement>
By clicking on this option you can learn the details of the given card agreement.

Spłata zadłużenia <Debt pay off>
This option allows you to pay off your card debt partially or completely.

Operacje bieżące <Current transactions>
This option allows you to view your card transactions.

Blokady <Blocked funds>
Clicking on this option lets you view the details of the blocked funds on a given card.

Wyciągi historyczne <Historical Statements>
A listing of the last 12 statements of operations on your credit account.

Zmień parametry <Change parameters>
  • Zmień limity <Change limits>
    This option allows you to change your card limit.
  • Ustal PIN <Set PIN>
    This option allows you to define your PIN number.
In order to activate a card click on "Aktywuj kartę" <Activate card> which is located on the credit card list. Next write your card's 16 digit number in the space provided. This operation requires a transactional access number.
