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The left hand menu options

Warning! The debit card list does not show mBank debit cards issued prior to October 2003!
This option in the transactional site is available only to cards issued after this date which have card numbers starting with the following digits 405670 and 405671.

Szczegóły karty <Card details>
You access the details and the limit list after choosing the card number.

Operacje <Transactions>
This option allows you to view transactions carried out in the given time span.

Blokady <Blocked funds>
Clicking on this option allows you to view the details of the blocked funds on the given card.

Parametry <Parameters>
  • Ustal PIN <Setting the PIN number>
    This option allows you to change your PIN number.

In order to activate a card click on "Aktywuj kartę" <Activate card> on the debit card list and next provide the 16 digit card number. This operation requires a transactional access number.
