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The left hand menu options

Posiadane fundusze <Mutual funds possessed>
This option allows you to check in detail the currently held mutual funds grouped according to category.

Historia operacji <History>
This option provides you with information concerning transactions in the Fund Supermarket (history of operations carried out on units) in the designated time span.
  • Operacje wykonane <Operations carried out>
    The list include transactions on one or more mutual funds. Operations that have already been carried out are irreversible and cannot be called off. Clicking on the transaction type let's you see the details of an operation.
  • Operacje zaplanowane <Upcoming transactions>
    The list includes all mutual fund operations. In order to view detailed information on upcoming operations click on the underlined description. In order to call off an operation click on "Anuluj" <Call off>. Only operations with an "OCZEKUJĄCY" <Awaiting> status can be called off. Operations that have a "PRZED WYSŁANIEM" <ready to send> or "WYSŁANY" <sent> status cannot be called off.
    This operation requires confirmation using a transactional access number.
Nabycie jednostek <Purchasing units>
This option lets you purchase mutual funds offered in the Fund Supermarket. The funds are set into categories depending on their investment profile (category).

Odkupienie jednostek <Repurchasing units>
This option lets you repurchase mutual fund units offered in the Supermarket. The value of the currently held units is calculated on the basis of unit evaluation.

Zlecenia stałe <List of standing orders>
This option lets you view the standing orders for the purchase of mutual funds. The mBank system clears standing order payments on the date set by the customer. Standing orders will not appear in the upcoming transfers list.
  • Lista zleceń <List of standing orders>
    Shows you standing order descriptions for the purchase of mutual fund units.
    Szczegóły <Details> - click on the underlined fund description which it concerns.
    Modyfikuj <Modify> - by clicking on "Modify" next to the chosen standing order you can change the amount, date or frequency of his payment. This operation requires confirmation using a transactional access number (TAN).
    Usuń <Delete> - by clicking on "Delete" next to the chosen standing order you can resign from future payments. This operation requires confirmation using a transactional access number (TAN).
  • Nowe zlecenie stałe <New standing order>
    In order to define a standing order for mutual fund purchase click on the chosen fund description. Upon filling in the necessary data the standing order will appear on the standing order list. This operation requires a transactional access number (TAN).
Konwersja jednostek <Unit switch>
This option allows you to go through the portfolio details according to the investment profile previously defined. This operation requires a transactional access number (TAN).

Asystent inwestycyjny <Investment aid>
This option allows you to go through the portfolio details according to the previously defined investment profile.
  • Moje aktywa <My assets>
    The percentage structure of your assets held at mBank. The division is according to asset class (fund categories and cash deposited at mBank).
  • Mój proil <My profile>
    The percentage structure of your, individually defined or chosen from the available list, investment profile according to asset class (fund categories and cash deposited at mBank).
  • Zmiany w czasie <Changes over time>
    The change in value of assets held in the Fund Supermarket in the given time span.

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