- Komunikaty systemu <System warnings>
The "Operacja wykonana niepoprawnie" - "Alarm bezpieczeństwa. Nieprawidłowy lub nieważny klucz sesji" <"This operation was carried out incorrectly". - "Security alert. Incorrect session key"> safety warning appears when you have been inactive in the transactional site for over 20 minutes. This session time out is a safety measure introduced by mBank, causing the transaction system to be inaccessible. Closing access to the transaction system does not mean that Internet access in general is blocked. In order to start another session all you need to do is log in.
"Operacja została już wykonana" <"This operation has already been carried out"> warning appears shortly after an immediate second session is started. It is advised that you wait a few minutes before logging in a second time and make a one time confirmation of the introduced customer ID and internet password by using the "Zatwierdź" <Confirm> button. Another reason for this may be is that your browser has the option of downloading encrypted pages from it's cache memory active. The recommended browser setting is described in detail in the FAQ pages in the "Internet - access problems" pages.
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- Operacje niedostępne w części transakcyjnej - skontaktuj się z mLinią!!! <Operation unavailable in the transactional part - contact mLinia!!!>
The mLinia lets you carry out transactions through the automated telephone service as well as the call center available 24 hours a day seven days a week. In order to choose whether you want to carry out your banking affairs through the automated service or talk to an mLinia operator you need to have a tone system telephone. If you are using a pulse set telephone you will not be able to access the automated telephone service.
The following operations are unavailable on the mBank transactional pages. In order to carry them out you need to contact an mLinia operator. - Activate the Internet, Automated telephone service (mLinia), WAP or SMS services.
- Set the Internet password for the first time or after blocking the Internet access channel.
- Activate the first Transactional Access Number list.
- Partially withdraw funds from the eMAX LOKATA.
- Set a plenipotentiary to your account
- Call off a plenipotentiary from your account
- Transform an individual account to a joint account (setting a co-owner)
- Make a temporary eKARTA limit increase
- Open an eKONTO account
- Open an eMAX account
- Open an izzyKONTO account
- Open an mBIZNES KONTO account
- Open an mBIZNES MAX account
- Close an account
- Apply for a credit line to your eKONTO account
- Apply for an mPLAN
- Apply for a credit card
- Apply for an eKARTA
- Order debit cards
- Resign from card renewal
- Report a missing card (debit or credit card)
- Make a claim concerning an incorrect transaction
- Change an account plenipotentiary
- Change the eKARTA limit
- Set the automatic card pay off amount for your credit card (the automatic charge of the account correlated to the credit card)
- Order bank documents (i.e. a bank opinion, an agreement copy, confirmation of a transfer)
How can I contact the mLinia? Mobile phone users: 691362265 - the fee for this call is set by the mobile operator The access number for telephones across Poland is: 0-801 300 800 - the charge is for a local call according to the TP S.A. tariff The access number for cross-country calls: 0 (prefix) 42 6 300 800 The access number for calls made anywhere in the world (including the access number to Poland): +48 42 6 300 800
Warning: You are advised to identify yourself in the automated telephone service when calling an mBank operator. That is why it's best to choose option "1" when you contact the mLinia. Punch in your customer ID (8 digits) and the required password (6 digits). After you receive authorization, dial "0" and be quickly connected to the operator. This method lets us get connected to an operator more quickly then by dialing "0".
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